Vipps believes that openness and good communication throughout the organization promotes a better work culture. We encourage employees to share their questions, concerns, suggestions, or complaints internally with those who can address the issue or whose authority can affect change.
We encourage everyone to use the whistleblowing channel. This may for instance be matters relating to:
If you have other types of inquiries or complaints, please use the following channels:
You may choose to report anonymously, or by allowing PwC to process your personal information but not to share it further. You may also notify by filling out your full name, email address, and phone number.
In order to ensure the right to contradiction, the person who has been notified against must be informed of the content of the notification and given the opportunity to express their opinion. If it is deemed necessary to clarify the facts, it will nevertheless be possible to carry out simple preliminary investigations before informing the person who has been notified against. If these investigations prove that there is a censurable condition, the case can be closed without informing the person being notified against.
It is important to Vipps that the whistleblowing procedure feels safe, sufficiently predictable, and respectful for all those who raise a concern. The following are to be observed in the handling of all whistleblower reports:
When you notify via the form, you notify via an encrypted web solution. When you submit a notification via the web form, the notification is categorised and processed by Vipps' external whistleblowing centre, as operated by PwC Law Firm in Norway (Advokatfirmaet PwC AS), before it is sent to Vipps Risk & Compliance for further processing.
As a whistleblower, you do not need to present evidence of what you think is reprehensible. However, we ask you to be as clear as possible about what has actually happened.
To the "Notify about unwanted incident" form
After receipt of the notification from our external notification function, a categorisation and assessment of the report is carried out. Whistleblowers will, where possible, receive feedback from the external notification function when the notification has been received. The notification will be forwarded to Vipps Risk & Compliance.
Vipps Risk & Compliance will process the notification and decide on next steps. Follow-up of the notification depends on the circumstances to which the notification relates. Where possible, the whistleblower will receive information when the case has been processed.
I Vipps bruker vi både egne og tredjeparts informasjonskapsler. Dette gjør vi blant annet for gjøre nettsidene enklere, analysere bruksmønstre, og å kunne tilpasse annonser for deg i andre flater.
Du kan alltid endre dine innstillinger senere under "Personvern & vilkår"
Les mer om hvordan vi bruker informasjonskapsler